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MoneyGirls Rebranding & Visual Design

Role Art Direction, Visual Designer

Tools Figma, Photoshop & Illustrator

Platform Desktop & Mobile



MoneyGirls is a source of financial advice aimed to empower young woman. They have a growing community with their social media & strategist program. They are expanding their services and are looking to launch an app. 

They were looking to refresh their brand as their content and community continue to grow. I worked closely with the team ( Founder, Content Strategist, Developer & Social media and content managers ) to get a better understanding of the brand as well as what improvements I needed to make moving forward.

Logo Refresh

I was asked to refresh the branding since they planned on updating the website, newsletter and social assets. The ask was to create a logo that felt young, fresh and showed movement. After a few rounds of explorations and feedback, I landed on the final design. The “M” is unique on its own and gives the logo some energy

and movement.


Old Logo


New Logo



Rebranding Elements

Colors: Using vibrant colors to create energy while having secondary softer colors to balance it out. 

Using gradients is also a nice in place of solid background colors. 

color swatch.png

Typography: Pairing Serif headline with a sans serif body copy so it feels more editorial and polished

Playfair Display


Open Sans


Imagery: Using more realistic & relateble images of girls without feeling too "stock image-y" 


Illustrations: Going towards a more playful irreverent direction about finances. These illustrations are used on the website, swag, infographics and pitch decks. 

Illustrations Grouped.png

Email Template Redesign

The Newsletter emails also needed new templates. The new direction makes use of 

a lot of white space to feel clean, modern and more editorial with the type treatment

and larger images. Utilizing Mailchimp's flexible content blocks made it easy to create

and maintain templates.

Newsletter redesign.png

Social Media Templates

They have a huge following on Instagram and posts every other day, I took notes of

what the paint points were and created various templates that cover the different content.
This gave the content managers enough flexibility while keeping the design on-brand.
This also helps free up a lot of the production time since they don't have to start from scratch

on every post. 



In addition to the templates & web site. I got to work on some graphics for the pitch deck & infographic.



  • The rebranding was the most challenging part, I wanted to make sure
    I captured some of the feedback but also be confident in my design decisions.
    It was also challenging because there aren't a lot of financial products that are aimed towards young woman.

  • Collaboration is key and asking as much questions before design is helpful. 

  • Since they are moving away from coding email templates and don't really have a full time graphic designer, It was helpful to utilize Mailchimp's content blocks and Canvas tools so they can easily manage the assets. I just had to make sure to provide a best practice guide to keep the assets on brand.  

Using Canva to set up templates that is easy to manage.

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